Cagliostro Restaurant

PALERMO – The count of Cagliostro, one of the most famous people from Palermo, inspired the name of our restaurant “… so we read on the Internet page of the Cagliostro restaurant, in Via Vittorio Emanuele 150 in Palermo.
We recently saw them linked to one of the transmissions conducted by Barbara D’Urso, Maria Carmela D’Urso, a Neapolitan DOC and who recently was justly outraged by an offense that came from France
by an, no I can not call it pizza maker, which launched the Coronavirus Pizza with name written with coughing and spitting Italian tricolor on freshly baked pizza.
Who knows if Cagliostro’s many trips to France have inspired D’Urso for the direct with the pizzeria in Palermo which, among the first, while not missing its pizza from thousands of customers during the closing period due to the pandemic he thought of continuing to make pizzas and bringing them to his customers for free, complete with a thank you note for choosing them, signed by Ruggero, Danilo and Marco.
On the other hand, it is enough to read the hundreds of reviews on the various sites to understand that you are eating one of the best pizzas in Sicily if not the whole peninsula.