Terrorism, Monaco Police: “Revoked alert alert, but more agents revoked”

Terrorism, Monaco Police: “Revoked alert alert, but more agents revoked”

MONACO – The risk of a terrorist attack is no longer considered imminent in Munich, in southern Germany, but the alert remains high against the threat of a jihadist attack. A spokesman for the security forces confirmed that the deployment of agents in the city is stronger than usual. “Many of our colleagues are still in service,” he added. The president of the Munich police, Hubertus Andrä, said that about 550 policemen are patrolling the city and that for the moment no arrests have been made, reports the British newspaper The Guardian. 

To raise the level of alert the suspicions that there were “five or seven people who wanted to commit suicide attacks in Monaco” in the name of IS inCentral Station and in the nearby town of Pasing during New Year’s Eve. About an hour and a half before the arrival of the new year, the police of the German city ordered the evacuation of the two stations, signaled as possible targets of the attacks. After the alert, launched around 10.30pm, the railway services of both stations were suspended and the police invited people to avoid gatherings. The stations were reopened this morning, but the Munich police asked citizens to remain vigilant.

Agents deployed. The police explained that an investigation is underway, with 550 agents mobilized to “find” the suspects and secure the city, where the alert remains “high”. “We still have many colleagues mobilized,” the law enforcement spokesman said.

Tension still high. “The colleagues of the criminal police are still working to clarify whether those who for the moment are clues have a concrete basis instead,” said the spokesman who added that many citizens have called the police and reported having actually seen a suspect, but that none of these reports was successful. The German authorities said they had received a “plan from a friendly intelligence service” that was to be put into practice around midnight, Joachim Herrmann, Minister of the Interior of the (southern) Land, added in a press conference. Bavaria.

Suspects on Syrians and Iraqis. The commando of suicide terrorists that would have planned an attack around the New Year’s midnight in Munich is formed by Syrians and Iraqis, but it is ignored if currently it is found in the city or however in Germany, has reported the chief of police of the German city, Hubertus Andrae. At a press conference, Andrae said the police received a “very concrete” indication of a possible suicide attack against the main train station in Munich and that of the suburb of Pasing. “We have received a list of names, we cannot tell if they are in Munich or even if they are in Germany,” he explained.


(01 January 2016)



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