Pakistan, school massacre: man shoots and kills seven teachers

Pakistan, school massacre:
man shoots and kills seven teachers

SWABI – Seven teachers were killed in the town of Swabi, Pakistan. The teachers, six women and one man, worked in a school of a local NGO. The victims, as reported by the news agency Express News, were hit with gunshots. The massacre took place in the area of ​​Sher Afzal Banda, in the region of Tehsil Chota Lahore.

An unidentified man who fired on a group of teachers launched the attack. At that moment the teachers were leaving the school. The six victims would all be employees of a local NGO. The attack follows for a few days the one to an office of an NGO of Muhallah Gulbahar, in Swabi. In December the headquarters of the ONG has been destroyed by a bomb hidden in an adjacent building

The Swabi center is funded by the Islamabad government’s anti-poverty program and a German organization. The NGO also carries out education and health projects in the South Waziristan tribal area, and similar programs in the cities of Tank and Dera Ismail Khan, and in the regions of Lower Dir and Upper Kurram. After the attack, the executive director of the organization asked the staff involved in the various projects to stop the work until the security conditions have been improved, while ensuring that the operations will resume soon.

In recent months, several government officials, NGOs and shops have been attacked in what was previously considered an area quite quiet in Pakistan. The police failed to arrest anyone responsible for these attacks.

(01 January 2013)



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