Iran, found uranium levels at 27% Aiea: “Above the allowed limits”

Iran, found uranium levels at 27%
Aiea: “Above the allowed limits”
TEHRAN – Traces of uranium found 27 percent in the Fordow nuclear plant in Iran. This is confirmed by the results of the samples taken last February 15 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). According to the report, Iran would have increased its capacity to produce “sensitive” nuclear material, installing hundreds of new uranium enrichment centrifuges in the underground site. The fears of the technicians are that the Islamic Republic could, within a short period, build the atomic bomb. Iran, however, rejected the allegations, arguing that not only is its nuclear program exclusively peaceful, but it has explained that the high percentage of uranium was not intentional and has, therefore, only technical reasons.
The report. The discovery of the IAEA was announced in the aftermath of the Baghdad talks between Tehran and the so-called 5 + 1, which Moscow had called “constructive” despite the fact that “significant differences” remain between the parties. The last level of enrichment declared by Iran was just below 20%, a decidedly lower result than 90% necessary for the fabrication of the atomic bomb. IAEA experts also insist on having access to the Parchin site, where missiles capable of hosting nuclear warheads have been tried. On Monday, the IAEA and Tehran had found a compromise that would allow international inspectors to visit the sites and examine the documents. However, the agreement had not yet been signed by the parties.
The differences. “We are not going to stop the 20 percent uranium enrichment.” Thus, commented Iran’s ultra-conservative Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami during the Friday sermon in Tehran. Khatami, referring to Western forces, said: “We have indeed given permission to check our nuclear sites. Furthermore, our Supreme Guide, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has explicitly pointed out that Iran is not looking for a bomb atomic. What more do they want? “. His statements were released only after the agreement between Tehran and the ‘5 + 1’ group had not been reached. The obstacle is mainly due to the fact that, while Tehran calls for the suspension of economic sanctions, the group ‘5 + 1’
However, the talks will resume on 18 and 19 June in Moscow.
(May 25, 2012)