Ban Ki-Moon disputed in Gaza  Shoes and stones against the procession

Ban Ki-Moon disputed in Gaza
Shoes and stones against the procession

GAZA – Several dozen protesters protested the arrival in the Gaza Strip – the portion of Palestinian territory controlled by Hamas – of the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, this morning. The convoy was hit with throwing stones and shoes, but there were no consequences, just a short delay before continuing as planned towards Kahn Yunes, in the South of the Strip.

The protest is against the missed insertion in the agenda of a meeting of Ban Ki-Moon with relatives of Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons, which, according to the protesters denotes a “neither moral nor human” attitude on the part of the UN secretary. Yesterday, a Palestinian rocket hit southern Israel on the eve of Ban Ki-Moon’s arrival in the Strip.

Yesterday, Ban, who met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem separately and Palestinian President Abu Mazen in Ramallah, in the West Bank, urged Israel to make a gesture of good will on behalf of the Palestinians, and the Palestinian authority to continue talks started in Amman.

The UN secretary general will not meet with the leaders of Hamas, boycotted by the international community. Today ends his three-day visit to Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Territories, during which he encouraged the two sides to resume the “exploratory” talks, launched in Amman under the auspices of the “quartet” for the Middle East: States United States, Russia, European Union and UN.

(02 February 2012)



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